Friday, August 29, 2014


Way to go Teacher T-Hawks!!
Congrats on finishing your first week back to school.
 Hope you have something fun and relaxing planned for this weekend.

Glad I got the chance to meet with all of you on Wednesday to explain my new role.  Thanks for the positive feedback and it was great to hear all the conversations that started about the use of technology in your classrooms.  Wanted to share how a few of our faculty members used technology this week...

1. Bellow is a screenshot of a parent survey that Cathy Carmignani made using a google form.  With this intro at the top:" Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. This will allow me to quickly understand your child's needs and how to best communicate with you. ~ Mrs. Carmignani". There is link to this survey on all of her class pages if you wanted to check it out further.

2. Shout out to Felicia Rutigliano and Steve Godbout for using the Ipads in their co-taught US History class. Started class with a great  Keynote presentation and then the students filled out an online survey about their individual learning styles.

3. Below is a picture of Sara Liedell's geometry students checking out their class Moodle site that Sara prepared over the summer.  She has Flipped her curriculum this year for Geometry CP.  Nice Job Sara!!

So I would say we are off to a great start!! Please comment below about other ways you used technology this week or questions you might have about what I shared.

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