Thursday, September 3, 2015

Back to School and ready for Action!

Welcome Back T-hawk teachers.  I am really looking forward to assisting you with your educational technology adventures this year.
How exciting that you have whole year ahead of you to try new ways to teach a lesson or concept.  I encourage you to try during the first month. Here at Algonquin you have the support  and resources to make adjustments and changes that will advance and transform student learning by integrating technology.
On tech integration. “The integration of technology and pedagogy to maximize learning must meet four criteria. It must be irresistibly engaging; elegantly efficient (challenging but easy to use); technologically ubiquitous; and steeped in real-life problem solving.” “Learning, surely the most important human resource in the world, is not benefiting from the greatest technical resource on the planet. It is time that gadget goes to school and schools go to gadget 24/7.”( )
  The first thing to obviously consider is what you want your students to learn and then figure out how best to use technology to help.  There are ways to integrate technology that may allow you to do things with your students that were previously inconceivable.
Here is a short list of things to try:
1. Push your students to extend their learning by explaining concepts using the ipad app Explain Everything
2. Have your students collaborate on an assignment using google docs or google slides
3. Find a guest speaker to Skype with your class
4. Instead of assigning a paper or giving a test to assess let the students make a video using the green screen
5. Find a class somewhere in the world to collaborate with so we can make our school more global rather than "snow global"
6. Learn techniques and ideas form teachers all over the world by developing your personal learning network (PLN)  on twitter and/or using social bookmarking sites like Diigo.

I am sure you are feeling overwhelmed with the start of school but if you put off trying something new it might not happen.  Just dive in and go for it and let me help!  We also have so many teachers here at Algonquin who are doing amazing things with technology who are willing to share their ideas and help. Please email me so we can meet and discuss your plans.  I will help you come up with integration ideas as well as support you when you go live in the classroom.  I will be offering after school technology how-to sessions as well as some during the school day. Thanks to some of our new faculty who attended my first how-to session. 
From left to right Sean McGrath, Maria De Vuono-Homberg (science),Gwen Temte(math), Amanda Thomas(school adjustment counselor), Jennifer Bardier(spanish), Susan Muise (family and consumer science), and Peggy Papazia(instructional support)

To get started right away I highly suggest that you visit our new district technology webpage where you will find great resources, student examples, and video tutorials.  I would love suggestions of topics you want to learn about so I can cater my help sessions to your needs.  Please comment below or shoot me an email.

The sky is the limit ARHS so tech it out!!


  1. Hi Julie! I think I'd like to try using the ipads more this year. My daughter has one (Shrewsbury) that she uses for ALL her school assignments. Also, I really enjoyed skyping with an author last year and want to do that again this term! Let's chat!

    1. Sounds great Jen, we can definitely make that happen. Look forward to chatting soon.

  2. Julie, welcome back to the new school year! It's great to see more and more people embracing the Google Apps suite, and we've seen a big push at the Middle School level to move towards more Mobile/Google solutions. It is more cost affective, and the suite is simple and easy to use, even for the younger students. We've also seen a great deal of success with Google Classroom, as several of our Teachers here use it. It allows them to establish key online learning concepts, that are important for College and beyond (Blackboard?). Have a great, technology filled school year!

    1. We miss you at Algonquin TJ, but are very happy that Darrin Austin has joined our tech support team. Thanks for your feedback. I think it is important for our high school teachers to know that they will be getting students from our districts elementary and middle schools who are comfortable with Google Apps. I also really appreciate your comment on how important it is to get our kids college and career ready

  3. Thanks Julie ..looking forward to learning more and trying to get kids involved with your program:)

  4. Thanks Julie! It's good to be back! I could use some help setting up the blog for my Spanish 5 classes for current events. I've gotten started, but now have hit a wall.

    1. Hi Janette, happy to help. Email me with your free periods and we can get you situated

  5. I would love to integrate technology into my small English class. I have 4 students and only 3 computers so the chromebook cart would be great!

    1. Hi Peggy, sounds great. Welcome to Algonquin and I look forward to helping you with your English class. I will email you to schedule a time to meet.

  6. I love your marketing tactic...and of course your blog!

    1. Glad the marketing teacher likes my tactics...It obviously worked for you!! I would like to pick your brain for more marketing tactics at some point
